Who is the best? How Do We Judge? How do we unbiasedly decide the Greatest of All Time? Well VH1, the station which coincidentally represents the pinnacle of Hip-Hop Culture (that’s sarcasm by the way), decided to make a list of the Top 100 Artist of All Time to which only 10 Hip-Hop celebs made it. Check the list and let me know what you think of their Placement.
Top 10 Hip Hop
01. Jay - Z
02. Public Enemy
03. Notorious B.I.G.
04. Tupac Shakur
05. Run - DMC
06. Eminem
07. N.W.A.
08. Beastie Boys
09. LL Cool J
10. Outkast
Voting was conducted by Shugoll Research. The list was determined by a poll of musicians and music experts. Also, Over 200 artists voted including Alicia Keys, Diddy, Ozzy Osbourne and Carrie Underwood, as well as members of U2, the Police, Metallica and Aerosmith etc.
This list isn’t as outlandish as I thought it would be when I realistically look at it. The term Greatest ARTIST is the key word I believe which encompasses more than just simple Lyrical Skill and Local Popularity. Qualities such as Charisma, Content, Versatility, Marketability, Longevity etc are far more important which everyone on this list has PROVEN. But still, What are your thoughts on THIS list and its arrangement?
Full Top 100 List Available Here