Have you ever seen a child, a young child, screaming at, Throwing fits and cursing out a parent? This is by far one of the most unacceptable forms of behavior I've ever seen...... from the Parent. How in the world are you letting a toddler berate you while you try to find ways to pacify them by giving into their Terroristic Demands? Who is in charge here?
There are 2 reasons I am angered by the Parent/Guardian:
1) Where did they Learn this Behavior?
A growing child cannot be at fault for learning from their surroundings. That's like getting mad at a sponge for getting dirty in used dish water. What is going on in your household that they've learned how to curse properly, and how often is it happening for them to think it is okay?
2) Why are you Not Correcting this?
Why are letting them continue with this behavior? I remember the 1st time I said "Mom you have a big mouth though" (in reference to her asking me why was she finishing her food before mine) When I got up off the floor I learned 2 valuable lessons... Moms has a quick right hand and women don't like hearing they have a Big Mouth. To this day I have NEVER said that to another woman again.
Let me make a further comparison, Have to ever seen/had a trained Dog? How do you think that happened? An obedient dog isn't born that way, it is conditioned to become that. It doesn't hold it and use the bathroom outside because it's the right thing to do, they LEARN that when they go in the house that the actions that follow are unfavorable. Same way with children, they must understand the cause & effects of their actions. Giving into their demands when they act IGNANT only shows them it's how they are supposed to behave to get what they want.
To Achieve this some people choose Spanking, Some the Timeout method, others restricting Access to something they enjoy or a combination of all three which CAN work, theoretically; The fact that you are disciplining them is the important part. They simply need to see that this course of action leads to something they don't like, Hopefully this will curb their need for negativity, especially in Public (NO ONE likes getting checked in Public).
Now of course this is not the ONLY reason kids act up... Lack of Attention, Chemical Imbalances, hell some kids are just Psychopaths but don't try to force your child into the "defective" role just because you don't want to take responsibility for being a Good Parent. Get it Together
This post is directly related to my "Bad Parenting" post on TheInfoSoup's website which is available here
This post is directly related to my "Bad Parenting" post on TheInfoSoup's website which is available here