What is Beasthood

Beasthood Incorporated is something I started for determined individuals who know the difference between Reasons & Excuses. Things in life will hit you at the most unexpected times and what I've noticed is that lack of Preparation is the reason we take so long to get back on track. Therefore, your biggest enemy... is You. You can now begin to sit there and think to yourself, "This negro don't know me" and come up with a billion and one EXCUSES as to why you aren't at least on the path of where you want to be, OR... you can name the very few REASONS why and then formulate a plan to overcome them. 
Nothing can Stop You, Except You... Like It, Learn It, Live It

Friday, December 24, 2010

This is When You Know Yo Friends Aint ish


jump fail2

Like OMG Brainstorm. Becky, Sue, Beth, Marie Anne, JoJo, Stephanie, Kimmy, Katherine, Star and Bertha… you guys should like, Totally all holds hands and Jump Supreme High, then I'll like… Click Click of you guys like, radically in Mid-air… it’ll be B*TCHIN!!!




 jump fail

These Skinny Index Mouth Fingering chicks knew good and well Bertha wasn’t gettin off the ground.
How many of us have them………… Friends

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