What is Beasthood

Beasthood Incorporated is something I started for determined individuals who know the difference between Reasons & Excuses. Things in life will hit you at the most unexpected times and what I've noticed is that lack of Preparation is the reason we take so long to get back on track. Therefore, your biggest enemy... is You. You can now begin to sit there and think to yourself, "This negro don't know me" and come up with a billion and one EXCUSES as to why you aren't at least on the path of where you want to be, OR... you can name the very few REASONS why and then formulate a plan to overcome them. 
Nothing can Stop You, Except You... Like It, Learn It, Live It

Friday, December 24, 2010

Searching for Mr/Mrs Perfect

Awww How sweet. But with all due respect, are you effin Stupid? Now I'm all for wanting the best but most people I see claiming they waiting for the perfect person tend to sound lazy as a mofo and their exact opposite. Tell me if you've heard something similar:
“I want someone who will do this that and the third for me, have his/her life together and accept me for who I am.
1) That's Bull, you got a list of stuff you want a Lover to do for you but want them to just accept you for what you are? Incorrect Sir/Madame... You want a Gigapet.
2) You want someone with their Life together? And what does that entail exactly? Job, Place of their Own, Bills Paid on Time, decent Wardrobe... while you collect unemployment, Live with Parents and/or are completely dependent on Gov't Assistance to make ends meet?
How does that make sense in your mind?

The answer...Selfishness. Too often I see people wanting in a Lover everything they aren't and then they get confused as to way they find the lower caliber of people they do. But it seems pretty simple to me, if you want the perfect catch, you gotta use the right bait. Flaunting your Sexual Skills/Body Parts (women) and Cash (dudes) may get you A Lover, but not THE Lover you've been craving. Now I'm not saying you aren't deserving of your counterpart... but if you are Black and White TV quality, don't stand in line to Pre-Order the newest Playstation. You're wasting time and effort for something that can do much better without you.
Think About It: Would the "Perfect" Man or Woman of your dreams settle for a Person like You?
Step Yo Game Up... ASAP!!!

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