I have seen a resurgence of the popular past time form of joke telling called "Roasting". Now, I didn't know what it was because in NY we just called it Clowning and then in Bmore a small circle of us called it "Clock time," in which we made jokes with a Symbolic Chess Clock in front of us and if you couldn't make a joke in a couple seconds then you lost.
Now it seems people are doing it to be popular online, which is pretty lame, but whatever; not everybody has self respect, I guess. But nonetheless, I think all "Roasts" should have a time limit. If it takes you 5mins to come up with a non Intelligent joke like, "You look like a Radioactive Turd" {'~' }™ , chances are you should just stop!
Obscure(Country+ Animal)
Ex: You look like a Mongolian Praying Mantis
The good thing about most of these jokes is that 95% of the times the person looks NOTHING like the animal but it sounds funny so people can't help but to laugh. If you think I'm lying then you look like a Filipino Coy Fish when you Kiss
The Tag Team:
Tag people who are funny so that you can Ask for Help, without actually appear like you're asking for help.
Ex. Yo @JohnnyMagma look at this ugly mofo @RandomTwitterName,
don't he look like a Antarctic Snow Beaver?
Unfortunately, this happens DAILY and so many names get tagged that a decent joke is almost never possible.
Use the current Trending Topics up on the board, or one that you are about to put on the board (if you are one of the "Kings/Queens of Twitter" {'~' }™ This will increase your exposure Tremendously because there are literally millions of people on TT's at any given time that will see it even if they aren't following you.
Ex. #MarcusBJoke(s) if you don't know of that hashtag, thank your lucky stars you've never had to suffer through what can only be explained as a Nicki Minaj rap style Roast with random capitalized words typed with the intelligence of a Lil B punchline.The Only 2 Universally Successfully executed Hashtag style roasts are #Rhamu (which Trended Worldwide by the way) followed by #BoywaltsVest. If you weren't in on those then you just missed it... Sorry.
Another benefit of this is the fact that the trend can be explained (via Apps and/or WhatTheTrend.com) and therefore be a permanent record of the Hilarity that ensued if it becomes popular enough.
Ex: #BoyWaltsVest => whatthetrend.com/trend/boywaltsvest