Like seriously, Do you even care about your image or personal legacy? What will you be remembered for? Is a short moment of laughter, temporary happiness or even feeling of vindication at the expense of self respect and dignity that fulfilling to you? Seems that way for most.
Everything you do represents a part of you. The words you say, jokes you make, charity you provide, how you act/react in anger etc all contribute to the image you portray that can and will be used against you. Those who cannot always be in control to project the facade they want to be known for will be demeaned and remembered as the puppet they are.
Being the loudest, most ignorant and most animated is almost NEVER associated with power. "The strong move quiet, the weak start riots.", "Real G's move in Silence like..." and all that good stuff. Showing that adamantly what sets you off only exposes a severe weakness of yours, now we know how to cloud your judgment.