Personally I think a celeb status should come like a Driver License that has an Expiration date. Just because you were apart of something entertaining in the past doesn't mean you are interesting Today. Nowadays people think that if you are noticeable (good or bad) you are a Celeb and get this Aura of Self Worth without actually bettering yourself (i.e. Mike Epps, Lil Duvall, the Spots on Montana Fishburns ass etc). Fame and notoriety are the leading cause of lackluster performances in my opinion. Once some people get that, they feel like everything they do is/say entertaining and stop working on their craft.
Case In Point...
Yesterday, 1/536 of the Wayans Brothers (thank my homegirl KrysJmobile for that stat) was trying to joke
on the homie @GhostWritaMusic and used the SAME JOKE 3 times which got RT'd to my timeline so I simply commented "You used the same joke 3 times my dude, it was ass the 1st time and ass the 3rd." For people that know me, that's actually a nice version of what I could've said. This Apparently sparked off a 4hr Roasting session Between me and said Burnt Julian Fry Haired Wayans which resulted in him being FLIZZAMED. He had a few semi funny jokes (and a TON of reused jokes) but being conservative I would say about a condom percentage of his comebacks were about as Funny as watching Chromosomes denature in Spermicide. As a family of "Funny People" I would think the Wayans needed to Weigh In cause clearly he was not in my Intelligent nor comedic weigh class. But what do I know, I'm not a Comedian either... Yall saw it... Who do you think was funnier? And more importantly what was the funniest joke you read
on the homie @GhostWritaMusic and used the SAME JOKE 3 times which got RT'd to my timeline so I simply commented "You used the same joke 3 times my dude, it was ass the 1st time and ass the 3rd." For people that know me, that's actually a nice version of what I could've said. This Apparently sparked off a 4hr Roasting session Between me and said Burnt Julian Fry Haired Wayans which resulted in him being FLIZZAMED. He had a few semi funny jokes (and a TON of reused jokes) but being conservative I would say about a condom percentage of his comebacks were about as Funny as watching Chromosomes denature in Spermicide. As a family of "Funny People" I would think the Wayans needed to Weigh In cause clearly he was not in my Intelligent nor comedic weigh class. But what do I know, I'm not a Comedian either... Yall saw it... Who do you think was funnier? And more importantly what was the funniest joke you read